"Good Effort" From Coach Rocky on Tourney Play, News, Jason Armstrong's Honda Minor Midget, 2013-2014 (Huntsville Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 21, 2013 | jknox | 1052 views
"Good Effort" From Coach Rocky on Tourney Play
"Good Effort "says Coach Rocky Clarke. Since the HMHA did not ice a Major Midget Otter team this year the Minor Midgets ran the 3rd Annual Aubrey Percival Major Midget Hockey Tournament this past weekend.  The Minor Otters had a good showing against their pool ending 1-1-1.  However it was not quite good enough to go forward into the Championship rounds.

The First game for the Otters was against Erin Hillsborough and although the final score was 3-0 for the visiting team, it was in no way indicative of the game.  A few posts and missed opportunities the Otters had early in the game woke up Erin Hillsborough and put the momentum in their favour.  However, in the second  game against New Liskard Lions the Otters were in full control leading the entire game.  The Otters won that game 4-2.

Next up against the Otters was Stouffville. This game was the closest matched game for our Minor Otters.  Although Stouffville went ahead 3-0 the Otters didn't quit and came back to tie the game 4-4. Unfortunately Stouffville already beat both Erin Hillsborough and New Liskard so due to the point system, Stouffville advanced to the Semi Finals and eventually onto the Final game against South Muskoka Bears.

The South Muskoka Bears ended up being the Champions of the Tournament this year as they beat Stouffville 7-1 Next game for the Minor Otters is an Exhibition game against the Minor South Muskoka Bears on Sunday Oct5ober 27th at 5:40pm in the Jack Bionda Arena.