Our 2024-2025 Huntsville Minor Hockey Association's Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 9 in person at the Huntsville Canada Summit Centre - Active Living Centre.
Members Meeting - 6:30 pm
AGM - 7:30 pm
All attendees will be entered into a draw for a chance to win free registration for the upcoming 2025-2026 hockey season - you must be in attendance at the time of the draw to win your prize!
*note - this will not apply to over-age players*
An AGM is a yearly meeting between the board of directors of HMHA and participants. During the members meeting prior, participants and board of directors discuss business matters and address resolutions. Participants have opportunity to pose questions to the board, vote on organization issues and interact with one another. The AGM portion will have reports of the season such as financial reports, a vision for the future and members will have an opportunity to vote for new board of directors for the upcoming season.
Please see below information regarding how the nomination process works.
If you would like to nominate someone for an executive position for the 2025-2026 hockey season, click on the "Nomination Form". A member of HMHA will reach out to the nominated person to confirm their interest and if they wish to have their name stand for the position. Nominations will close Friday, March 14th @11:59pm.
View current nominees HERE
During the AGM...
1. If one nominee is brought forward for a position and no other nominees are named, that person will be acclaimed into the position.
2. If there are multiple nominees for the same position, a vote of the membership in attendance will take place (there can be no proxy votes). It is requested that nominees be in attendance.
3. If positions are not filled during the AGM, anyone interested in the position can reach out to the President and a decision will be made at the board table regarding the position.
If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Administration.
The main prerequisite for filling an executive position is to maintain the enjoyment and development that the sport of hockey brings to our kids and communities. If you are able to work well with others, willing to put forth the effort required to fulfill the commitment made, please step up. Some positions require certain knowledge, but many can be "learned as you go" and support is available.
If you would like more specific information on roles and responsibilities, please contact a current Executive Member.
+++++++++++++Basic Details of each board member are listed below+++++++++++++
All Board Members:
Expected to attend all HMHA Executive Meetings (held once/month)
Participate/attend meetings for any applicable Sub-Committees
*President: (2 Year Term 2025/27)
- Candidate must have been a previous Board Member and have a thorough understanding of how HMHA operates and fully grasp the policies and procedures that govern HMHA
- Leader of HMHA
- Chair HMHA Board Meetings
- Must be diplomatic and possess interpersonal skills, have the ability to be fair but firm
*Vice President: (1 Year Term 2025/26)
- Must have knowledge of how HMHA operates (candidate must have been a previous Board Member);
- Ensure policies and procedures are implemented and understood by the applicable Executive, Volunteers and Membership
- MPS representative (attend monthly MPS meetings) & OMHA contact/representative for HMHA;
- Work closely with President, LL Directors, Rep Directors and Regional Director for OMHA
- Submit all OMHA forms/paperwork (ie Rosters, Travel Permits, Playdown Contracts, Permission to Skate forms, Batch Registration of all Teams, Reconciliation forms etc.)
Secretary: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Word processing skills required
- Record and distribute minutes from all HMHA Board Meetings, collect & distribute mail
- Vulnerable Sector Checks for all HMHA Volunteers-coordinate, monitor, collect
- Webmaster for HMHA website, schedule all off-ice bookings for HMHA
- Social media responsibilities (basic understanding of Canva, Instagram, etc)
*Treasurer: (1 Year term 2025/26 season)
- Must be bondable
- Preference to an individual with experience in accounting, banking or financial field
- Keep record of all financial information and present financial statements, lead budget committee
- Collect/deposit all funds for HMHA, pay invoices, monitor/contact for anything involving finances,
- Prepare information for income tax filing each year
- Liaison with Team Managers regarding all finances
*Registrar: (2 Year Term 2025/2027) - * Not Accepting Nominations at this time*
- Register all participants, collect registration fees, set up players/team officials in Hockey Canada Registry (HCR)
- Perform any incoming or outgoing transfers, work with funding organizations, must keep personal financial information confidential regarding HMHA families
- Work closely with Treasurer
- Work with Rep & LL Directors regarding player lists, assist with representative tryouts
- Complete Rosters for all teams
Rep Director: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Should have a good understanding of how Representative hockey operates, previous managers are good candidates
- Act as the Manager of all Representative coaches, managers, and bench staff
- Contact for Rep teams' questions/concerns and mandate bench staff members/teams understand and follow policies and procedures
Local League Director(s) – U7-U11 & U13-U18: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Oversee all applicable LL divisions (including any Select teams),
- Working with each team Manager/Convener to ensure all policies and procedures are understood and followed
- Attend MPS LL meetings once/month - Liaison between the MPS Local League and HMHA
- Help convene LL year end championships in our center.
Development Director: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Be responsible for researching, organizing, and implementing development programs and clinics for Coaches, Players and Trainers (work with Head Trainer regarding any Trainer Development)
- Chair the Coach Selection/Evaluation Committee
- Assist existing and new bench staff to (re)certify, give information about qualifications needed and assist in finding best way to secure requirements
Equipment Director: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Keep accurate and current inventory of all equipment, including jerseys/socks and Trainer Bags, for all HMHA Rep/AE and LL teams
- Make recommendations to the Board for new or replacement equipment and look after pricing, purchasing, budgeting and distribution of equipment
- Be responsible for the Equipment Room throughout the season, distributing and collecting all HMHA equipment at the beginning and end of the season
- Work with: Rep Director regarding tryouts/equipment, Rep/AE/LL Managers/Teams regarding equipment distribution/team lockers, Treasurer regarding budgeting and purchasing
Tournament Director: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Manage all postings and registrations for HMHA home tournaments, apply for sanction permits with OMHA
- Collect all registration forms, documents and payments and answer questions from teams planning to attend HMHA tournaments
- Main contact with Managers to ensure policies and procedures are followed to organize tournaments
- Provide all information and tools necessary for the host teams, purchase all prizes and look after all tournament trophies/awards
- Work with Ice Scheduler to set schedules for tournaments
Ice Scheduler: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Time consuming position, particularly during preseason start up when negotiating all schedules and practice times – for all Rep/AE and Local League ice times
- Data entry/computer knowledge are essential; attention to detail and interpersonal skills are mandatory
- Liaison with town representatives regarding ice allocation policy and scheduling ice times
- oversee secondary ice schedulers
Referee Convenor: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Prefer candidate that holds a current referee certification
- Schedule all Officials and act as an informal supervisor; act as a mentor for new officials
- Encourage, recruit and guide new referee prospects
- Liaison between Officials and HMHA
Minor Officials Convenor: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Schedule all timekeepers, scorekeepers and gate keepers for all Rep/AE and LL games where appropriate
- Organize a course in the preseason for all new minor officials and any needing a refresher
- Electronic Game sheets – train Managers and Scorekeepers, coordinate iPads/provide support/arrange maintenance as necessary
Sponsorship/Fundraising Convenor: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Coordinate and solicit all team sponsors at the beginning of the season, work with the
- Equipment Director to ensure proper sponsor bars are on appropriate jerseys
- Organize team photos (schedule and distribution of photos), including creating and distributing sponsor plaques
- Receive fundraising requests from Team Managers and assist them in ensuring these activities fall within both HMHA and Town guidelines
Head Trainer: (1 Year Term 2025/26 season)
- Hold a current Trainer’s Certification (preference to Level 2 or 3)
- Hold Action Clinic (or similar) for all Trainers at the beginning of the season
- Be available as a resource for all HMHA Trainers
- Check in with Trainers throughout the season and host meetings/development as appropriate
- Be registered on an HMHA Team or At Large Roster and be willing to fill in for Trainers when there is a need
**If you would like more specific information, please contact the current Executive Member or reach out to HMHA President**