Tournament/Exhibition Game Request Form (Huntsville Minor Hockey)

Tournament/Exhibition Game Request Form
Complete this application to join an away tournament/exhibition game. It goes to HMHA Treasurer for sponsoring funds for registration fees, the OMHA Contact for your Travel Permit, and the Ice Scheduler to update your teams online schedule.

HMHA Manual of Operations - Tournaments/Exhibition Games

Find rules from Manual of Operations for seasonal planning (note: not all rules are listed below)

  • 4.20.2 LL Teams shall be permitted to participate in a maximum of two (2) tournaments during the season and shall not enter concurrent tournaments.
  • 4.20.5 Special permission for extra tournaments and exchanges may be obtained and approved by HMHA Board upon written application.
  • 4.21.1 Rep Teams shall be permitted to participate in a maximum of five (5) tournaments during the season and shall not enter concurrent tournaments
  • 4.21.2 Only 2 Tournaments may be "stay-over" tournaments. Stay-over tournament is defined as one being at least 160km (100 miles) from Huntsville Town Centre.
  • 4.21.10 Rep/ Select teams will be eligible for 2 exhibition games per season. Any teams wish to schedule more games, payment for ice rental, referees and timekeepers will be the responsibility of the team.
  • 4.22.3 A budget must be submitted and approved by the HMHA for all tournaments sponsored (funded) by HMHA. (applies to LL and Rep)

If you have any questions, please contact your LL/Rep Directors.

Applicants Information

Person completing this application.

Tournament/Exhibition Details

Tournament Details con.

Fund Request

Complete this portion for sponsored funds from HMHA. Submit a season's budget and refund the amount by January 30, 2025, or before the first game, whichever comes first. Non-compliance may lead to team suspension.
