Registration, Huntsville Bantam AE Otters Classic, 2019-2020 (Huntsville Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.

The Tournament Registration table / sign in will be located in the lobby of the Don Lough (DL) ice surface (turn right after you enter the building).  Teams are required to have their coaching staff sign in at least one hour before their first game.  

All teams must register and present paper copy's of their approved electronic team rosters and travel permits prior to playing the first-round robin game.  Only certified and rostered persons are allowed on the bench.

Dressing room allocation and keys

Dressing rooms are assigned by the Town of Huntsville and not by hosting team centre.  Room numbers are posted on the television screen at the entrance of the building, and by the registration desk beside the tournament schedule.  Please use the dressing room assigned to your team and if there happens to be a team in that dressing room please inform the registration desk so alternate arrangements can be figured out with the town as there are other rentals happening throughout the day that can easily disrupt this schedule.  Dressing room keys are available from the tournament registration table.  A set of car keys must be surrendered to obtain the key.  Please return the dressing room key 20 minutes after your game, your cooperation in leaving the dressing rooms as quickly and as clean as possible is appreciated.