HOW-TO GUIDE (Huntsville Minor Hockey)


Vulnerable Sector Check: OHF Submission How-to Guide

Make sure you have an account on Spordle/HCR before proceeding.

Once this has been done, proceed to the following steps:

Step 1: Login to Spordle/HCR Site CLICK HERE
Complete all the steps, there is no fee. (note: You may be asked to confirm your address or add a phone number.)
  • Copy/record your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) number. *You will need this number to submit your VSC to the OHF Screening Portal (step 2)
  • At the end of the process a screen will appear that gives you a direct access to OHF Screening Submission Portal. (see image below and link circled)

For Help:  OHF Submission Portal Job Aid

Once you access the OHF Screening Submission Portal please make sure to do the following before going to Step 2:

  • Complete this process on your desktop computer, not your mobile device.
  • Have access to your PDF VSC/VSC Receipt

Step 2: Fill in all the required information then attach your PDF VSC/ VSC Receipt using the link provided (See image below). Note the link will open a new tab.

Once successfully downloaded, return to the application page (original tab) to continue with the rest of the application submission process. 

If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]